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Iranian rights activists oppose assassinations & war threat

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January 16, 2012

Dear Friend of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy,

Yesterday we received a message from the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran which said, "In the past several days, human rights defenders living inside Iran have repeatedly told the Campaign that certain elements in the Iranian intelligence and security forces are gearing up for an opportunity to severely persecute activists, dissidents, and prisoners of conscience. They fear a military conflagration could provide just such an opportunity to target them for widespread extrajudicial killings."

This message echoes an urgent appeal CPD circulated in December 2011 from Iran's Network of Iranian Labor Associations (NILA) which said "It is incumbent on us, in the weeks and months to come, when war drums are rolling, to alert our public to the dangers of the war option. There would be no room for campaigning for human rights when cities are bombed and civilians slaughtered. Therefore let us not forget to publicize this dreadful threat as we highlight the many cases of human rights abuses in Iran." That appeal is posted on the Iran Labor Report website .

Every day the media brings us more alarming news of the escalating calls for war and confrontation with Iran. As we oppose our government's bellicose stance, we should let the American people know that one of the great costs of assassinations and military threats is the grave harm it does to the courageous human rights activists inside Iran.

In peace and solidarity,

Joanne                    Tom

Joanne Landy and Thomas Harrison
Campaign for Peace and Democracy
New York, NY, USA